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The God of Faith and Science with Stephen Barr and David Ronderos

October 19, 2022 1 min read
By Dr. Stephen Barr President, Society of Catholic Scientists
Dr. David Ronderos Associate Professor of Biology, University of Mary
Hero Image for the God of Faith and Science

Catholics don’t recognize a conflict between faith and science; however, many misconceptions have arisen due to faulty ways of thinking about the relationship between God and nature. In the Christian tradition, God and nature have not been seen as competing explanations, but instead, God is recognized as the author of nature. As the novel is to the novelist and the music to the composer, so is nature to God.

Dr. Stephen Barr is a theoretical physicist, a sought-after speaker and author on questions of faith and science, and president of the Society of Catholic Scientists. He joined Dr. David Ronderos, an associate professor of biology and fellow in Catholic Studies at the University of Mary, to discuss questions and common misconceptions around faith and science.

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