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Catholics at Mass

A Kingship Not of This World

The kingdom Jesus has founded is a real kingdom, a visible polity, a social organization – but it will not be founded on or extend itself by worldly means.

Msgr. James P. Shea
Jun 27, 2024

Giacomo Leopardi’s Alla Sua Donna

While not a Christian himself, Giacomo Leopardi's poem "Alla Sua Donna" points to the desire of every human heart: communion with the Incarnate Lord.

Prime Matters
Feb 19, 2024
The Vatican

Understanding the Synod

How are we to understand the upcoming Synod?

Prime Matters
Sep 24, 2023
Cologne Cathedral

How to Make Sense of Germany

How are Catholics to understand the confusion that has arisen from the German Synodal Way?

Prime Matters
Mar 15, 2023
A chapel under a starry sky

The Myth of Chance

In the myth of chance, reason itself loses its footing on which to stand. For in a world of random accidents, there is no objective truth to build upon or assert.

Rev. Shane Deman
Feb 15, 2023
Chess board

Strategic Recommendations for Evangelization in a Gnostic World

Christians living in the midst of the Gnostic visions of the modern world will benefit from five key recommendations based on St. John Henry Newman's insights into belief and imagination.

Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes
Feb 7, 2023
Hands at prayer on a Bible

Praying With Scripture: It’s Not About You

If praying with Scripture isn’t only about you or me, then what more is it about? It’s about Jesus. It is all about Jesus.

Joshua Burks
Feb 1, 2023
Humans in a digital environment

The Gnostic Ideologies of the Modern Age

Many people in the West have accepted one of two modern narrative visions of the world: the techno-nationalist vision and the equity-justice vision. What are they?

Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes
Dec 14, 2022
A statue of Jesus in Montreal

Making the Gospel ‘Real’ in a Gnostic World

There is a particular urgency for evangelization today. Catholic universities are uniquely positioned to play a powerful role in evangelization.

Dr. Jonathan J. Reyes
Nov 9, 2022
Hero Image for the God of Faith and Science

The God of Faith and Science with Stephen Barr and David Ronderos

Dr. Stephen Barr explores questions of faith and science, God and nature in an insightful conversation with Dr. David Ronderos.

Dr. Stephen Barr
Dr. David Ronderos
Oct 19, 2022