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Prime Matters
Editorial Panel

In keeping with the best of our ancient Benedictine heritage, in which authors sign their work simply “a monk,” the editorial panel of Prime Matters remains anonymous, committed solely to articulating and awakening the Catholic imaginative vision for Catholics and all people of goodwill.

Published Pieces

bedside nurse

Medical Providers: Missionaries of Redemptive Suffering

Medical providers are given great influence over those whom they serve. Their patients often cling to the words they say, particularly when anxious about a diagnosis or treatment plan.

Prime Matters
Jul 11, 2024

Life More than Legacy

Legacies on earth are powerful and important. Yet what is more important are the realities that last beyond the memories of this lifetime.

Prime Matters
Jul 4, 2024

The Return of Stonehenge

Many people are actively seeking a connection with something greater than themselves. What a gift it would be for them to encounter the promise of eternal life given by Christ.

Prime Matters
Jun 20, 2024
group of friends talking

Generating My Avatar

While advancements in technology can provide great benefits, it is helpful to question what is authentically human in these new developments and what helps us build healthy relationships among people.

Prime Matters
Apr 22, 2024

The Scourge of Human Trafficking

Slavery and human trafficking are daily realities for millions of people across the world, a fact that calls on Christians to continually affirm the dignity of the human person in word, prayer, and action.

Prime Matters
Feb 19, 2024

Giacomo Leopardi’s Alla Sua Donna

While not a Christian himself, Giacomo Leopardi's poem "Alla Sua Donna" points to the desire of every human heart: communion with the Incarnate Lord.

Prime Matters
Feb 19, 2024
The Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows in Šaštín, Slovakia

The Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows in Šaštín, Slovakia

It has been said that God writes straight with crooked lines. The origins of the Basilica of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows might provide an example of that kind of oblique writing.

Prime Matters
Jan 18, 2024
Open church door

An Anniversary Year for Evangelization

Forty years ago, St. John Paul II made the first reference to the "New Evangelization" while speaking to Latin American bishops in Haiti.

Prime Matters
Dec 11, 2023
The Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral

Home to the relics of the Magi, the Cologne Cathedral - whose construction lasted for 632 years - has drawn pilgrims since its cornerstone was placed in 1248.

Prime Matters
Nov 9, 2023
Perov Vasily's "First Christians in Kiev"

Perov's "The First Christians in Kiev"

Perov's depiction of Christians worshipping under the cover of night reminds us of the generations of Christians who have embraced the conquering spirit of the Gospel through times of uncertainty.

Prime Matters
Nov 2, 2023